Spa & Hot Tub Service and Repair

With many years of experience Spa Professor prides itself on its exceptional customer service.


Spa Professor - Spa Pool service and repair service Berwick and South East Melbourne.

For all your spa pool maintenance needs, including regular service and advice to help you keep your spa pool running at its best.

Spa Professor Blog

September 11, 2018
Below I have outlined 3 separate circulation pumps. There are more pumps on the market but these are the most common.

About us

We’ve been in the business for many years, and have been highly sought in the spa service field ever since. We take pride in the exceptional customer service we provide.

Service & Support

Cutting corners is not an option at Spa Professor. We do everything as thoroughly as we can, from the beginning to the end. No excuses and no shortcuts allowed. 

Contact Us

For the best service and everything your spa needs. Please contact Spa Professor today.
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